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Shanling launches new firmware for Shanling M Line DAP models

It is a multitude of portable hi-res audio players for which the specialist Shanling now offers new firmware, namely the systems of the Shanling M Line, specifically the solutions Shanling M6, Shanling M6 21, Shanling M6 Pro and Shanling M6 Pro 21 as well as Shanling M8.

Story Highlights
  • Shanling M6, Shanling M6 21, Shanling M6 Pro and Shanling M6 Pro 21 as well as Shanling M8, for all these DAP models of the Shanling M Line a new firmware is now available.

Shanling M6, Shanling M6 21, Shanling M6 Pro and Shanling M6 Pro 21 as well as Shanling M8, for all these models of the Shanling M Line, the company Shanling now provides new, improved firmware versions. This is already the second tranche of DAP models of the Shanling M Series of the Chinese specialist, which is now served with an update.

Just a few days ago, the company also released new firmware versions for a number of DAP models. As sempre-audio.at reported, these were the Shanling M9 Plus, Shanling M9, Shanling M7, Shanling M6 Ultra, Shanling M3 Ultra and Shanling M3X systems.

Optimised use of microSD cards, new functions for Shanling Music

As expected, the two firmware updates are largely the same, i.e. the same problems have been fixed by the developers and the same functions have been added.

Shanling states that with the latest firmware, the compatibility of the models Shanling M6, Shanling M6 21, Shanling M6 Pro and Shanling M6 Pro 21 as well as Shanling M8 with various microSD cards has been improved and the media are recognised more quickly.

Another new feature is that Shanling Music, the app installed on the Google Android-based DAP models for playing music, now supports embedded lyrics. The speed with which Shanling Music searches through a media library to detect any new additions has also been improved.

The list of new features concludes, as so often, with the sentence “Other fixes and improvements”, although the developers do not go into detail about the nature of these further fixes and improvements.

Prices and availability

The new firmware for the DAP models of the Shanling M Line is now available free of charge OTA, i.e. over-the-air, whereby the update can be initiated via the Support App. The corresponding files can also be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website, transferred to a microSD card and then installed on the players in this way. V3.68 is available for the Shanling M6, V1.31 for the Shanling M6 21, V1.89 for the Shanling M6 Pro and V1.26 for the Shanling M6 Pro 21. For the Shanling M8, V1.69 is now the latest firmware.

Getting to the point

Once again, we can praise the impeccable support that the Chinese specialist Shanling offers for its DAP models, currently specifically the solutions of the Shanling M Line and thus the models Shanling M6, Shanling M6 21, Shanling M6 Pro and Shanling M6 Pro 21 as well as Shanling M8 in the form of new firmware versions.

PriceFree firmware updates
DistributionNT Global Distribution GmbH
More about this manufacturer at HIFI BLOG

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Michael Holzinger

Michael Holzinger, founder and editor-in-chief of HiFi BLOG and sempre-audio.at, has been working for years as a journalist in the fields of IT, photography, telecommunications and consumer electronics.

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