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Poly v3.2 – Chord Electronics Ltd. delivers firmware update for Chord Poly

The Chord Poly is an upgrade option for the Chord Mojo or Chord Mojo 2. The portable D/A converter and headphone amplifier is transformed into a flexible music streamer or music player with the help of the Chord Poly. A new firmware Chord Poly v3.2 is now available for the Chord Poly.

Story Highlights
  • A new firmware is now available for the Chord Poly, Poly v3.2, which offers a number of very practical innovations.

The British company Chord Electronics Ltd. offers an extremely exciting solution with the combination of Chord Mojo or Chord Mojo 2 and Chord Poly, because this is a portable D/A converter with integrated headphone amplifier – Chord Mojo 2 – which can be transformed into a portable music player or even music streamer by means of Chord Poly.

A solution that is barely larger than the palm of your hand thus offers enormously flexible possibilities, and at an astonishingly high level of quality. Hi-res audio streaming via WiFi is supported as a dlna-certified UPnP streaming client, as is Apple AirPlay, and the Chord Poly is Roon-ready. In addition, it supports Bluetooth and audio data can be played back directly via a microSD card, so the Chord Poly can also function as a music server in miniature format. Via lithium-polymer battery, both solutions are also truly mobile, lasting for many hours.

New firmware Poly v3.2

A new firmware is now available for the Chord Poly, Poly v3.2, which brings a number of exciting improvements, especially with regard to an even easier handling of the Chord Mojo 2 and Chord Poly.

Automatic switching of operating modes

From now on, there is a particularly convenient, automatic switching between the different operating modes of the Chord Poly, so the user does not have to first use the appropriate app Gofigure for Apple iOS or Google Android to manually switch between the playback modes dlna/ UPnP, Apple AirPlay or Roon.

Numerous detail improvements

The other improvements offered by the current firmware Poly v3.2 are, first and foremost, performance optimisations, as the manufacturer states. According to the English developers, the performance and stability of streaming via UPnP and Apple AirPlay have been improved and the operation in combination with the software from Roon Labs LLC. has been further optimised.

Prices and availability

The firmware update is of course free of charge and is available immediately. It requires that the user uses the app from version Gofigure v1.2.133 for Google Android and at least v2.12 for Apple iOS.

Getting to the point

The extremely flexible team consisting of the portable D/A converter and headphone amplifier Chord Mojo or the latest generation Chord Mojo 2 and the Chord Poly as an optional extension for direct music playback or as a streaming client now receives a new firmware from the English hi-fi manufacturer Chord Electronics Ltd. once again, but this is of particular interest because it now automatically switches between the different operating modes of the Chord Poly, so you no longer have to do this manually with the Gofigure app for Apple iOS or Google Android.

PriceChord Mojo 2 € 499,-
Chord Poly € 499,-
ManufacturerChord Electronics Ltd.
DistributionDrei H Vertriebs GmbH
More about this manufacturer at HIFI BLOG

Michael Holzinger

Michael Holzinger, founder and editor-in-chief of HiFi BLOG and, has been working for years as a journalist in the fields of IT, photography, telecommunications and consumer electronics.

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